Theme Name: Lafka
Theme URI: https://lafka.althemist.com/
Description: Lafka theme by theAlThemist -
Modern E-commerce WordPress / WooCommerce theme
Other themes by us.
Version: 4.5.2
Author: theAlThemist
Author URI: https://www.althemist.com
License: Envato / Themeforest Split Licence
License URI: https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard
Text Domain: lafka
[Table of contents]
1. Reset styles
2. Main layout styles
3. Common styles
4. Images styling / img
5. Quotes/captions styles
6. Widgets specific styles / .widget
7. bbPress specific styles / .bbp
8. Headings styles / h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
9. Buttons / .button
10. Breadcrumbs / .breadcrumb
11. Forms styling / form
12. Columns styling
13. Menu styling / #menu
14. Footer styling / #footer
15. Content area / #content
16. Shortcodes styling
17. Third-party plugins styling
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